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Day of Fun

What is Day of Fun?

Basically, you turn up in the morning and get given a list of things to photograph. They might be landmarks, they might be a certain type of person (like a tramp or a fat person), they might have a little bit of activity with strangers involved...

You work in teams, you get your film developed and bring your photos back to the judges - there's usually some dressing up before this bit - and then go to the pub. The judges judge the photos and announce the winner at the pub a bit later.

Then there's a bit of a party.

The Next Day of Fun

Watch this space...

The Last Day of Fun

Day of Fun 5: Assignment Miami Beach

A rip-roaring success with nearly 150 competitors in over 20 teams tearing around London licking dogs, joining bone marrow registers, getting naked, climbing trees and playing with policemen, whilst gradually getting completely yellow in time to meet at St Paul's in the evening...

It was all yellow.

So, who won, and where are the photos?

The Day of Fun Shop

Get some lovely t-shirts and show your love for Day of Fun!